Austin, TX – On Tuesday, MALDEF went before a federal court judge in Austin on behalf of Laura Monterrosa-Flores, a Salvadoran asylum seeker who has been denied adequate medical care for her mental health needs by officials at the T. Don Hutto Residential Center, an immigrant detention facility in Taylor, Texas, and by U.S Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).

In addition to seeking a preliminary injunction securing her release, MALDEF has filed and continues to pursue a petition for writ of habeas corpus seeking Monterrosa-Flores’ release. The petition challenges ICE’s violation of our client’s Fifth Amendment right to Due Process, including the right to adequate medical care.

Please attribute the following statement on the hearing to Jack Salmon, staff attorney with MALDEF (Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund).

“MALDEF went to court because ICE and Hutto officials had denied our client adequate medical care.

Ms. Monterrosa-Flores has attempted suicide while in detention and, according to the recommendations of a psychologist and a psychiatrist who testified at the hearing, needs immediate, intensive mental health care. After the experts' testimony, and following discussions with MALDEF, ICE agreed to off-site treatment for Ms. Monterrosa-Flores. The court set aside our preliminary injunction request in light of the agency’s decision to finally fulfill their constitutional obligations, but we will be vigilant and hold officials to this agreement. We won’t hesitate to go back to court should ICE and Hutto fall short of what Ms. Monterrosa-Flores needs while detained.”